Capeo 2023 Winter Games-Tug of war

Release time:2024-06-17

Capeo 2023 Winter Games-Tug of war

In the cold winter, a hot sports meeting came as scheduled. In many competitions, the tug-of-war is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one. It not only exercises the physical strength of the contestants, but also tests their team spirit and perseverance.



Before the start of the game, both players entered the "battle" state early. They clenched the hemp rope with both hands, their feet landed hard on the ground, and their bodies slightly leaned back, as if forming a rope that condensed the strength of the team. Everyone knows that only by working together can we win.




The whistle sounded and the match officially began. The athletes of the two teams clasped the reins, concentrated their whole body strength at one point, and pulled back as hard as they could. The red rope swayed from side to side in the contest of strength between the two sides, touching everyone's heartstrings. The atmosphere at the scene was tense and warm, cheering and shouting one after another, and the enthusiasm of the audience also reached a climax.



This tug-of-war is not only a duel of strength, but also a contest of team spirit. Everyone is fighting for collective honor and fighting for victory. In the competition, they learned unity, mutual assistance and hard work, and also gained friendship and growth.

There is only one winner in the tug-of-war competition in the Winter Games, but everyone involved is a winner. Through hard work and sweat, they demonstrated the strength of the team and the vitality of youth, and also proved to the teachers and students of the school their indomitable and courageous spirit.